Monday, March 21, 2011

Deming Theory on the farm

I started farming full time (in farm talk this means no off farm income) in 1994. This same year I had the good fortune of learning about a management concept known as The Deming Theory. This philosophy was developed by a former Iowan and Statistician William E. Deming. His theory is that a.) When people and organizations focus primarily on quality quality tends to increase and costs fall over time. b.) However, when people and organizations focus primarily on costs, costs tend to rise and quality decreases over time. One aspect of management that Mr. Deming stressed was building strong relationships with suppliers. (If you are not familiar with Deming's work I would suggest googling him). I have applied this strategy to my farm and it has been a big part in the success of my operation. Over the next couple of weeks I will profile some of the individuals who I do business and have become good friends and mentors to me along the way.

                                                                Feeders Grain, Corning Iowa

We are going full speed on the farm, calves are coming, cows getting moved, and fertilizer is applied. Now its time to start building fence. This means a trip to Feeders Grain in Corning, Iowa for supplies. Feeders Grain is owned by Jim Curtis. Jim and his crew are the perfect example of a supplier that fits the Deming model. I can always count on Jim to have what I need when I need it, top quality products, competitive price, and a willingness to accommodate the needs of agriculture (being available nights and weekends if needed). In a day and age of high volume chain stores Jim's living proof that the "little guy" can compete.

Here's Jim, besides being my supplier for Fairfield Line work gloves, "the best gloves on the planet". He has supplied me with Red Brand fencing materials, Sioux Steel gates and Bins, LaCross overshoes, Purina Mineral, and countless other quality products. His business, his role modeling, and his advice, have been a big part of my farms success.

Starting to stock up on fence supplies, good products, good inventory, fair price, and good help is what has been bringing me to Feeders for nearly 20 years.

This is where all the fencing supplies wind up. We build a lot of fence each year. You'll be hearing more about fence in later blogs.

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